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The United Colonies of Earth

The Interstellar Empire of Humanity is divided into eight colonies, each with a long history that has led to its current state of society and culture. Below, those histories are detailed and their affects on the regions are explained. From our origin at Earth to the edge of The Core, mankind endures and thrives amongst the stars.

Point Dagger
The Dillamanse
Foreward Command         at Dilla
Grand Cross
Strip City
The Ten Regions of The Order
Alpha Nova
Confirmed Territory of The Core
The Wall at The Front
Legion Controlled Non-Colonial Space

Home Space

Borders: Centered on Earth, this sphere, about 5,000 ly  encompasses the original worlds and outposts of man's first interstellar civilization.

Regions: The 12 Zodiacies around the centrally located Sol System are named and astrographically defined by the original Western Zodiac of Earth. There was a time in the early Expansion Age when the astrology of the Zodiac played an important role in the developing interstellar civilization of mankind, but on the brink of expanding into a truly established religion, the practice petered out and is now largely unknown.

Origin of All

Worlds: 5,134                      Population: 15.5 Trillion

                                        90% Human/10% Clone

Flag: The Earth flag, which standardized planetary flag design, is overlayed with the "Origin of All", a symbol designating the birthplace of the human race and the center of our civilization. The Origin symbol is common in Home Space culture.

Government: A Federal Alliance of Democratic Republics presided over by the United Nations of Earth. Coordination of state function is directed by elected officials, but all elections, laws, ammendments, and other social mandates or concerns are directly determined by popular vote. 

Landscape: Due to the limitation of early interstellar settlement, the populated worlds of Home Space are widely spread, densely settled, and nearly uniform in their Earth-like appearance. Establishment of resource mining on less habitable planets is usually temporary and dependent on the demands of the colony.


Borders: Extending Galactic West from Home Space 6,000 ly to Floralia and nearly 10,000 ly to the north-western point, the port at Kindessa.

Regions: The long established Kingdoms of the Fifty Families, the most prominant of the bloodlines still able to be traced back to Home Space. Tension between houses was once high and volatile disputes over territory common, but modern times have seen a civility to settle such conflicts without incident.

Landscape: The first region widely expanded and settled during the Expansion Era, Kinderon's populated worlds tend to be exceptionally lush and beautiful, the most desireable locations for settlers to start their new societies. The Royal Houses maintain these pristine worlds while the common classes continue to expand to the less desirable but still habitable places in between.

Bound by Blood

Worlds: 25,742                    Population: 24.7 Trillion

                                       80% Human/20% Clone

Flag: The familiar image of the Earth flag and colors of origin are utilized to form the generic Royal Crest, which symbolizes the royal families of Kinderon and their continuation of the ancient bloodlines.

Government: An Alliance of the Monarchies of The Fifty Families maintains a dominant control of the politics and society of Kinderon. Although royal blood is a requirement to govern, the families have expanded exponentially over the centuries and elections are now held to determine a family's official representative in the Council of Lords. Though royal blood grants certain status and esteem, all colonial citizens share common basic rights under United Colonial Law.


Borders: Extending Galactic East from Home Space, narrowing for 9,000 ly towards Centra, then expanding to stretch another 8,000 ly to Proma at the edge of the Orion Spur.

Regions: The length of the colony is laced with shipping lanes around which communities have developed. Systems along a given trade route fall under the jurisdiction of the primary destination beyond the Central Hub Region.

Landscape: Many of the habitable planets in the colony provide less than desireable environments, a fact which left much of the region uninhabited until the hardier Beta Clone population settled in. Advancements in terraforming have allowed for the crafting of far more hospitable worlds in recent times.

Chosen Children

Worlds: 20,357                   Population: 31.2 Trillion

                                       20% Human/80% Clone

Flag: The basic design still pays homage to the neighboring Home Space, but the Clone Chain, symbol of the Beta Clones, prominantly displays the region's pride in its clone dominated history and culture. The red segments represent the unlocked potential of the blood of man and the blue center indicates the Alpha Genome as the key to Beta creation.

Government: The source of all Beta Clone production, Chariton has naturally become the most clone dominated colony. Clone industry and culture have moulded an orderly society and logical system of control. As a Democratic Geniocracy, elected officials of esteemed intellectual accomplishment propose policies according to the logical extrapolation of relative data and implement them by popular vote.


Borders: Centrally located between Kindessa, Chastor, and Temperdine with northern border near The Dillamanse, a dense star cluster about 5,000 ly thick and over 10,000 ly long.

Regions: A collective of over 500 Celestial States, each representing regions which range from small interstellar outposts to single planet systems to cluster regions containing thousands of worlds.

Landscape: With over 100,000 worlds in the dense cloud of stars, the lands of Humador are almost as varied as its people, with quiet countrysides, massive cities, desolate forntiers, and inviting communities. The flood of humanity in the colony has effectively wiped away the remaining signs that this this was once a violent battleground.

All As One

Worlds: 115,895                Population: 50.6 Trillion

                                       60% Human/40% Clone

Flag: The most intricate of the colonial banners, this vibrant flag symbolizes the unity of mankind, within Humador's borders and in the colonies as a whole. The central region connects the colonies spread through the galaxy to stand together against the fury of The Core.

Government: The chaotic nature of the crossroads of humanity is contiaind by the authority of the colony's appointed Judges. Given equal and overlapping jurisdictions, Judges of various levels preside over communities, countries, planets, and States, dictating official law and directing its enforcement.


Borders: A more isolated star cluster only about 3,000 ly thick, but 12,000 ly long  equidistant from the colonies of Chariton Humador, Patia, and The Dillamanse.

Regions: The colony is rich in natural resources, particularly rare metals and minerals, and is loosely structured into regions of mining potential, rescouce refinement, industrial application, and export.

Landscape: The resource rich worlds of Chastor tend to be relatively bare before settlement, but quickly flourish once terraformed, developed, and populated, giving rise to a growing indusrty of commercial planetary migration wherein high value worlds are crafted by resident citizens and marketed to foreign colonial settlers.

Dig Down Deep

Worlds: 49,883                  Population: 19.7 Trillion

                                       40% Human/60% Clone

Flag: The design of Chastor's standard is first and foremost a reminder of the colonial war era motto "Dig Down Deep". Legion forces would literally dig deep into the surface to withstand Core assault during The Exodus and liberating forces during The Surge took the phrase as inspiration to muster the strength to overcome the enemy. The image is also symbolic of the colonial capital, Strip City, which is carved deep into the surface of Cratera.

Government: The Corporate Republic of Chastor is structured as a commercial business and governed by elected representatives of the Colonial Guilds. Guild Masters direct official policy with consideration for corporate gains, cost and efficiency, workers rights, and free enterprise.


Borders: The North-West  corner of the colonies, a diamond of systems 4,000 by 8,000 ly bordering the Core contolled Galactic Longbar region.

Regions: Locations of note within the general uniformity of Temperdine are the Longbar Front, the only stretch of the Mag Wall border with Core territory not in The Dillamanse, and the Flash-fields region, where large, extra-orbital complexes generate and store a majority of the colonial power reserves.

Forged in Fire

Worlds: 30,390                 Population: 6.3 Trillion

                                        30% Human/70% Clone

Flag: The backdrop of yellow symbolizes the looming threat of the enemy for a colony at the doorstep of Core Territory. Late in the war when fighting was fiercest and almost entirely contained within the borders of Temperdine, colonists would see their settlements, their families, and their very will repeatedly ravaged by the destruction, but pushed to their limits the survivors emerged time and again from the flames, made stronger by the ordeal and ready to strike back. The Blooded Blade exemplifies the peoples' endurance.

Landscape: The colony survives the war as a sparsely populated battlefield, but where humanity survived, it has flourished. Many highly defensible settlements have developed into bustling trading centers. Promising re-habitation of planets being nursed back to health from near eradication is underway and may soon revive the colony's ravaged lands and diminished society.

Government: With such a high military presence, the influence of the Legion has shaped the societal structure of Temperdine. While it is not an official military zone like The Dillamanse or Inter-Colonial Space, the political world of the colony is almost entirely comprised of retired officers and the population of the colony is dominated by veterans and their families. The result is a stable system of government maintained by strict laws and enforcement.


Borders: The Eastern extent of human expansion, a region once isolated by a 10,000 ly gulf of uninhabited systems, but now having grown to that length from its Eastern extent, halving the distance to the border of Chastor.

Regions: As with most things in the colony of Patia, the structure of states is determined by The Order of Ten. Each of the ten regions contains an Order Temple, which are located on planets whose positions align with the religion's celestial holy sites.

 Lands of Life

Worlds: 10,000            Population: 10.0 Trillion

                                        70% Human/30% Clone

Landscape: As the only colony entirely spared from the destruction of the war, Patia's lands are serene and peaceful. Harmony with nature is a primary teaching of the Order and its lands are constantly tended as gardens. Most colonist live in rural areas and enjoy tranquil lives and where cities do arise, the balance between a society and its surroundings produces beautifully sprawling urban areas instead of towering metropolises.

Flag: This simple design, called the Tranquil Valley, perfectly symbolizes the spirit of the colony. The calm blue sky and lush landscape can be found on nearly every habited planet in Patia. Created before the rise of The Order, many have suggested a new design to reflect the Ten Tenets, but no organized campaign to change the flag has yet been arranged.

Government: Originally a loosely governed collection of farming settlements, when the war left them isolated at the edge of civilized space the people of Patia found a new strength in faith. A respect for the land quickly developed into a reverence for the natural order. The Order of Ten emerged, presenting the Ten Tenets as the spiritual link between the natural world and the divine. The regions of Patia are now governed by the clergy of The Order and each is centered on the personification of one its teachings.

The Dillamanse

Bearing the Burden

Borders: The Northern border of colonial space and by far the largest of the colonies stretching over 35,000 ly in a ragged arc along the outer Centaurus Arm, sometimes nearly 10,000 ly thick, and currently expanding slowly Eastward.

Regions: The great span of The Dillamanse is divided into The Zones of The Front as designated by The Legion. The Wall is the fortified chain of magnetic systems and relays that make up the border of Colonial Space. There is no designation between The Wall of The Dillamanse Front and the rest of The Wall, which surrounds the entirety of human territory. The Buffer Zone is a no-man's land outside of The Wall extending into Core Territory. The Front is the secondary line behind The Wall for staging, reinforcement, and tactical retreat. The rest of the colony is known by its old name, The Dilla Expanse.

Worlds: 1,075                      Population: 1.2 Trillion

                                        50% Human/50% Clone

Flag: A realistic interpretation of the position and role of The Dillamanse as a literal wall between Earth and The Core. The unique color of The Wall is also a literal interpretation, as many fortified worlds along its length exhibit the atmospheric conditions to produce a purple sky.

Government: The Dillamanse is technically not a colony, but a militarized zone. Though it is open to colonists whose rights and interests are protected and considered in the Colonial Court, The Legion maintains authority over all settlements and their affairs. This strict control deters many colonist seeking settlement opportunities, sending them elsewhere and leaving The Legion to govern its own.

Landscape: As the barrier between humanity and its enemy, settlements in this region of space are solely located in areas of strategic importance. Resources are gathered from abundant systems, but colonization of these habitable planets is rare and typically short lived. However, new licenses from The Legion have opened up opportunities for colonial expansion in the far east, potentially bringing life and society back for the first time in centuries.

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