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Focus: Technology

The constant ebb and flow of mankind throughout the systems of the colonies may seem commonplace to most, but many of the technologies that make our interstellar civilization possible were once miraculous new discoveries. Perfected systems of communication, transportation, medical treatment, and industrial production, as well as many other fields are taken for granted in today's worlds, but these systems have evolved for decades or even centuries, sometimes through nothing more sophisticated than dangerous trial and error.

The released Archive technology files detail the progression of the most influential technologies of the modern age through the war era. Countless applications of these technologies are now utilized every day throughout the colonies, directly affecting the lives of every citizen wether they know it or not.

The dangerous and little understood technologies of The Core have also played a major role in the shaping of modern technology. These complex fields may one day be a stepping stone to a new age of technology for mankind and the colonies, but for now they are a mystery and a frightening testament to the advantages of our enemy.

Should you find particular interest in any of the technological fields discussed, contact your Legion representative to receive more information and discuss available career opportunities. The Auxiliary Branch is currently filling roles in many areas of technological focus and certain positions of the Equites Branch are open as well.

Explore the exciting technologies utilized by the colonies and today's Legion, but always remember: your greatest weapons are always the people standing at your side.

A message from the United Earth Legion.

We are many.

We are mighty.

We are Legion.

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