Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself
All training in the United Earth Legion is focused on the understanding and mastery of the art of war, for even in times of peace, those who are prepared for victory will achieve it. The Legion is prepared, but mankind is not. For too long our guard has been down, our worries have been set aside, and our enemy has been forgotten. The war has not ended, but has faded into the shadows of the past.
Now, the Legion sets forth a Beacon to bring it back to the light. Through knowledge comes understanding, and so the archives of the Legion have been opened to the public that they might learn and understand the threat that still lingers behind the walls. We are at war with The Core and one day that war will resume.
The wealth of knowledge at the Legion's disposal will be presented here as it is cleared for the public. Within the pages of history you will learn about our past to prepare for our future. Read ever-expanding articles on the colonies to see where you are from and perhaps discover where you are headed. Soon the detailed files on The Core and its Creatures will be made available as well. Know your enemy, know yourself, and you will never be defeated.
Strength through unity; the motto of the United Earth Legion. Together we stand at The Gates, on The Wall, and in the Ranks; we are a beacon of light, ready to fight and match the might of The Core.
A message from the United Earth Legion.
We are many.
We are mighty.
We are Legion.
Are you?