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Earth and its Colonies

Mankind has spread far and wide over the last several centuries. The Expansion Age propelled our species far beyond the limits of any one planet or system to control, branching out to become budding societies of all kinds. Pockets of outposts became interstellar communities and eventually the Colonies of Earth emerged. Though they were scattered at first, the origin of our species has always united us and in our hour of need we rediscovered that connection and joined as one to become stronger than ever. These brief histories provide a glimpse of each region's history and significance within the realm of man.

Home Space

With the definition of "Earth Space" ranging from the jurisdictional area of Earth orbit all the way to the entirety of human occupied territory as opposed to that of The Core, the clarified term for the original interstellar colony of man has affectionately become "Home". The birthplace of our species lies at the center of the region and the civilian population of the area is still over 90% natural human.


The first branch of the family tree of mankind is named for the kindred spirits that live there, with some bloodlines still stretching back to the original systems. Also primarily human, the region maintains a high opinion of their natural-born roots. The colony has high interstellar traffic and boasts the largest port outside of Alpha Nova situated in the capital system of Kindessa. Kinderon also maintains the highest industrial capability of all the colonies. The orbital dockyards of the Legion Equites produce and service nearly all interstellar vessels for the colonies, military or civilian, and export machinery extensively.


This long stretch of stars on the outer edge of the human empire was the first region widely explored by Alpha Clones. The unrefined settlement process of the early Expansion Age left a string of outposts on relatively harsh planets. The lack of appeal for human settlers left the area sparsely populated for some time, but when The Core became a threat to Home Space, plans were made to retreat through Chariton and as a result the primary production facilities for the Beta Clone Program were established there in safer territory. The Beta Host flooded the region, continued to fill it as the war was pushed away, and when the conflict settled many Betas planted their roots in their original colony. Chariton continues to lead the way in Beta Clone production and settlement. 


Another less populated area before the war, Chastor was resettled by a large number of Beta Clones who grew a fierce attachment to the lands they reclaimed from The Core. Clones continue to populate and expand the region, taking advantage of the high concentration of mining opportunities therein. Chastor has the highest clone population of any colony at over 80% and leads the way in material resource production, particularly metals. The capital at Cratera, Strip City, boasts one of mankind's most impressive cities built around and deep under what remains of a massive strip mine.


Far removed from the rest of humanity, Patia is the only colony to have been entirely spared from the war with The Core and is still primarily populated by the descendants of its original human colonists. The uninterrupted peace has allowed the colonists to expand freely and prosper, with agricultural production becoming a popular and later on lucrative path. Seen as a backwater colony by some, Patia's excess helps to meet the food requirements of all other colonies, sometimes providing up to 50% of a region's needs, a show of colonial support that others would be hard pressed to equal.


The most centrally located colony of Earth Space has naturally become the most diverse as cultures from a hundred thousand worlds cross paths here. The melting pot has provided what many call the perfect picture of modern humanity including natural humans and clone populations. The colony also produces the most water for export and has Welling rights for over 50% of non-colonial space. The chaotic campaign to liberate Humador led to a re-structuring of interstellar travel through the Jump Grid, a structure that has become standard in form and function throughout the colonies. 

The hardened populace of mankind's most militarized colony has developed a sense of pride as those few who chose a life at the doorstep of The Core. Though conflict has been absent from the region for generations, the colonists of Temperdine maintain an air of militaristic discipline in their daily life. A majority of the population is settled by clones with at least some degree of Legion training. Main, secondary, and emergency power and primary reserves for the outer colonies are all generated in the Flashfields region of Temperdine.

The Dillamanse

The fledgling colony that was first wiped out by The Core was boldly resettled as soon as it began to be reclaimed after The Surge. Civilian support forces who had followed the Legion stayed to do their part in holding the line. The Second Wave of the war saw a sharp decline in non-military personel in the region, but currently the numbers are rising once again and recent approval has led to the tentative expansion of human territory for the first time since the end of the Expansion Age. The Legion maintains its highest presence patroling The Wall along the length of The Front, a majority of which stretches across this largely unsettled region. If the Core were to return, it is likely to happen there.

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